
Course Bundle

From my heart to yours, welcome to your expansion.

Each of these classes is designed to awaken new places of knowledge so that you may deepen your connection with the infinite possibilities of the Universe.

Knowledge is power, so when you learn all the lessons in each of these classes, you can bet you are going to be radiating in your Light! This course bundle is a beautiful way to grow foundational roots in the world of Spiritual Metaphysics, allowing you to continue to rise up from solid ground.

Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $99.99

Explore Each of the Classes Included in the Bundle

Intro to Tarot

The Source Course

Crystal Clear

Chakra Flow


Let’s Do This.

Invest in your complete expansion with the course bundle! Four classes, big savings, life-changing tools.

Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $99.99